Big Changes Ahead:
I’ve been researching and studying social media, especially YouTube. As a result, I’ve determined the relatively slow growth I’ve been experiencing has to do with having a way too eclectic mix of subject matter.
Here’s the outline I’ve come up with for changes to the way I present content on social media:
Downeast Thunder Creations (DTC) shall remain as is on YouTube and Facebook along with all present content. However, once I am able to put the following changes in place, you will only see Farm & Homestead, general woodworking, arts & crafts content after that.
I’ll be creating a new YouTube channel and Facebook page under a new name and logo which will feature a concentration of boat building, boat maintenance, new boat products, and boat modification subjects. The names and URL’s etc will be announced when I get things in order and launch both.
Eventually, a third YouTube channel and Facebook page will be developed and launched that will concentrate on sailing, and voyaging/cruising. This will be essentially a travel channel of sorts centered around sailing. Again, this will be announced (name and URL’s etc) at a later date when appropriate to do so.
My Patreon page will not change. This will remain as-is and will continue to receive a variety of content as it does now.
The free plans and drawings I offer from time to time will be made available exclusively through my Patreon page. They will no longer be available through my DTC web site with the exception of those already in place.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, I’d love to hear them in the comments below. Thanks for taking the time to read this. – Paul Bennett