Free Plans! The link to the free plans takes you to my web site blog and you will find a button for the three pdf’s (combined) you can download. The pdfs are drawings for Susan’s Storage Bin Shelves with dimensions in both; Imperial & Metric.

These shelves were specifically designed to hold plastic bins used for storing my wife’s inventory of felt bird and animal kits. She has several designs for felt patterns she gives away for free on her blog and she also sells complete kits with all the materials needed in the proper colors required to make these felt ornaments. In addition, she has published two books of patterns (her original designs) with instructions, plus other related products. Her business has been growing rapidly, and this new shelf unit is the latest expansion.




Materials required:

1) box of Kreg 1” course, pocket hole screws.

1) box of Kreg 1-1/4” pocket hole screws.

½” Plywood for side panels

¾” Plywood for shelves

Carpenter’s glue

Your choice of finish

Here’s the video: