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The Old Geezer Scores Again!

used pot warp

Ayuh! This old “geezer” has struck gold once again!

I need to make more rope fenders for my new 18’ pocket cruising sailboat (still under construction), and this winter season is the perfect time to do it. The only missing item in the equation was obtaining enough used line (rope) to make the rope fenders with.

A commercial lobster fisherman in Jonesport, Maine came to the rescue. He had just renewed all his pot warp and had piles of old rope coils he wanted to get rid of. It was all offered to me for free when I inquired about it, and I now have more line than I will need to keep me busy!

I posted a couple of videos last year on how to make your own rope splicing fid (needed for making rope fenders), and a video on how to make your own rope fenders. The links to those videos if you would like to make some rope fenders for your own boat and save money (not having to buy those awfully expensive plastic ones) can be found on this web site and also on YouTube at the Shoestring Shipyard YouTube Channel.

Here’s the  video:

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