If you watched my video series about going sailing, you know I’ve been thinking about designing and building a new sailboat for myself. You may also have noticed I am presently naming this boat (at least during the project phase) “Sailing Vessel – Downeast Thunder.” I have to call it something, so I think this fits for the time being.

Please Note: I’ve recently launched a Patreon page and this is where you will find more in-depth information and details if you’re interested in this project. Otherwise, I’ll continue to share progress on my YouTube channel on a weekly basis for the general public not wishing to become a Patron.

Please check out my Patreon page at: https://www.patreon/DowneastThunder

As a retired naval architect and marine engineer, I have the knowledge and experience to put a design together that shall meet my needs within the budget I can afford. As with most things, this will of course require compromise in many areas. I also produced a video discussing the design parameters I have set for my new boat, and the reasoning behind them.

This vessel will be built with very little money (relatively speaking), because I still have quite a bit of inventory from my old wooden boat shop on Cape Cod, still in storage. Therefore, much of the design will reflect items I already have.

In this video, I’ll show you a basic concept drawing showing the lines for the sheer, chine, rabbet, and keel for a 26’ LOD full keel sailboat. I’ll discuss why I drew the lines showing higher than normal freeboard, etc. but please understand this is simply a rough concept sketch and will undergo quite a bit of massaging. The initial sketch is to put something on paper (or on screen in this case) that I can visually look at and decide what I wish to make for changes. You have to start somewhere, and this is where it begins for me, after having developed my written list of design parameters.

The final construction drawings (once I’m happy with the initial lines drawings) will be made available at a later date.

Many thanks to all my subscribers for participating, commenting, liking, and sharing my videos. I very much appreciate your continued support of my YouTube channel. It’s a lot of fun for me, and I hope this trend continues.

Here’s the video: