by Paul | Jun 23, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication
Advance release from my Shoestring Shipyard YouTube Channel: The “Sampson Post” is a vertical beam, stepped on the keelson, and protrudes above the foredeck. It is backed up with blocks, knees and a breasthook to increase strength. This is perhaps one of the strongest...
by Paul | Jun 19, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication
Finally! The warm weather has arrived in Downeast Maine, the “Honey-do” list is at a point where I have some wiggle room, and construction on my boat hull resumes! In this video, I make templates for the plywood hull side panels, cut out the plywood panels, and...
by Paul | Apr 16, 2020 | Boat Building, Introduction, On My Mind, Sailing & Cruising
Big Announcement! I’ve just launched a new YouTube channel. My Downeast Thunder Creations channel is such a wide ranging eclectic mix of topics, I decided to concentrate all my boat building and boat related videos on just one, dedicated channel.Right now, the...
by Paul | Apr 13, 2020 | Arts & Crafts, Blacksmith Works, Boat Building, Building Projects, Contests & Giveaways, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs, Gamer Projects, Gidget McMidget, Guy Food Gourmet, Introduction, On My Mind, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising, Tools & Equipment, Vendor Displays, Wood Turning
Wow! It doesn’t seem like it’s been over three years since I started making and posting videos on YouTube. It’s also hard for me to believe I’ve posted over two hundred videos within that time frame! This is a compilation of video clips and pictures from several (but...
by Paul | Apr 11, 2020 | Arts & Crafts, Blacksmith Works, Boat Building, Building Projects, Contests & Giveaways, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs, Gamer Projects, Gidget McMidget, Guy Food Gourmet, Introduction, On My Mind, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising, Tools & Equipment, Vendor Displays, Wood Turning
Big Changes Ahead: I’ve been researching and studying social media, especially YouTube. As a result, I’ve determined the relatively slow growth I’ve been experiencing has to do with having a way too eclectic mix of subject matter. Here’s...
by Paul | Apr 8, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead
I’m making this episode (Part 4) the final segment of the anchor build series. I make a jig to bend the 5/8” round bar in a semi-circle to make the roll-over bar for the anchor. I pulled out my homemade forge to heat up the round bar till it’s cherry red in order to...