by Paul | May 15, 2020 | Fabrication, Farm & Homestead
The “Honey-Do List” goes on (and on and on…..). My wife and daughter like to “rescue” Monarch Butterfly caterpillars from birds and other predators so they will have a chance to turn into Monarch Butterflies. The caterpillars are typically found on milkweed leaves...
by Paul | May 30, 2019 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Introduction, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising
Welcome to the release and premiere launch of my new Patreon Account page! You can now look up Downeast Thunder Creations on to become a patron of Downeast Thunder! I’m Paul Bennett, a retired engineer & naval architect living in Milbridge,...
by Paul | May 16, 2019 | Boat Building, On My Mind, Sailing & Cruising
I’m an old sailor, retired marine engineer & naval architect, and I’ve been “landlocked” for the past 15 years. I have a serious need (as does my soul) to get back to sea! Let’s Go Sailing! I looked at an old Pearson 26 Sailstar sloop that was being given away,...