by Paul | Jun 18, 2022 | Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead
This video features the complete build for our new Downeast Thunder Farm sign that has been 18 years in the making! I also shot some video of the completed sign being mounted in position. This sign was made entirely with recycled/repurposed materials and left-over...
by Paul | Jun 2, 2022 | Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
Does anyone actually know what a “Garden Trug” is? I didn’t until Susan handed me a set of instructions and pictures she downloaded from “Instructables” and said “I want one.” So… to the workshop I went with my...
by Paul | May 26, 2022 | Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
Like many of my viewers, I too happen to watch quite a few YouTube videos. In a couple of videos I watched, a pneumatic nail removal tool was employed to very quickly extract nails from pallet wood and other wood pieces being reclaimed or reused. I thought that was...
by Paul | Apr 19, 2022 | Farm & Homestead, Promotions, Tools & Equipment
The folks at Saker sent me an email, asking if I would try their new Painter’s Accessory Tool and record a video while trying it out if they sent me their product. I agreed and here is the video! I was not paid a fee or stipend of any kind to do this. Here is the link...
by Paul | Apr 15, 2022 | Farm & Homestead, Promotions, Tools & Equipment
We just purchased a new clamp-on snow blade and a pair of clamp-on forklift tines from Earth & Turf Attachments, LLC in Pennsylvania! These items have been in great need here at Downeast Thunder Farm in Milbridge, Maine for quite a long time. I made the purchase...