by Paul | Jun 2, 2022 | Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
Does anyone actually know what a “Garden Trug” is? I didn’t until Susan handed me a set of instructions and pictures she downloaded from “Instructables” and said “I want one.” So… to the workshop I went with my...
by Paul | May 26, 2022 | Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
Like many of my viewers, I too happen to watch quite a few YouTube videos. In a couple of videos I watched, a pneumatic nail removal tool was employed to very quickly extract nails from pallet wood and other wood pieces being reclaimed or reused. I thought that was...
by Paul | May 16, 2022 | Boat Building, Fabrication, Sailing & Cruising
Here is the latest on my DIY boat stands that will be necessary for the big job ahead of installing the twin bilge keels. I integrated the full featured Vimeo videos into this one. The much shorter YouTube versions of the earlier boat stand videos are listed below:...
by Paul | May 5, 2022 | Boat Building, Fabrication, Sailing & Cruising
Finally! 2022 progress on building S/V Ooh-Rah has begun! In this episode, I make a template for the quarter knees, glue up some wood and cut out the quarter knees, then fit and install them on the boat. Explanations are provided step by step. Here’s the...
by Paul | Apr 24, 2022 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
It’s been a long “Wintah” here in Downeast Maine and after about half a year under wraps, it is time to un-tarp S/V Ooh-Rah and get back to boat building! This is the official start to the 2022 outdoor boat building season, and it promises to be a big one this year,...