by Paul | May 6, 2021 | Boat Building, Contests & Giveaways, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising
Ayuh! I’m finished with stripping what I need from my 1975 Olympic Dolphin 23’ sloop, and the hull (in excellent condition) is now being offered FREE to whomever wants to come and get it. This boat would make a great hull replacement for a similar sized sailboat that...
by Paul | May 5, 2021 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
In order to lift my new sailboat off the strongback and turn the hull right side up, I must build a couple of Gantry lifts using repurposed used 4 x 4 posts that were given to me. I specifically called them “Gantry Lifts” rather than “Gantry Cranes” because these...
by Paul | Apr 30, 2021 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication, Tools & Equipment
In order to lift my new sailboat off the strongback and turn the hull right side up, I must build a couple of Gantry lifts using repurposed used 4 x 4 posts that were given to me. I specifically called them “Gantry Lifts” rather than “Gantry Cranes” because these...
by Paul | Apr 23, 2021 | Contests & Giveaways, Farm & Homestead, Promotions
A request came to me from “Women for Healthy Rural Living” (WHRL), a local non-profit organization, for me to install a couple of paper towel racks in two bathrooms of the newly renovated office and headquarters of that organization. Their website is...
by Paul | Apr 21, 2021 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
Finally! I have finished harvesting all the parts and hardware from the “Donor Boat” (1975 Olympic Dolphin 23’ sloop). This past week, I was able to move the boat to an out of the way location on our farm and get it off the trailer (that came with the boat) working by...