by Paul | Apr 1, 2021 | Farm & Homestead, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising, Travel
Along with the warming temperatures, we’ve experienced a few torrential downpours of rain this past week. As such, the ground is saturated and exceptionally soft. I took advantage of having to remain inside by working on my office/art studio makeover. I am editing...
by Paul | Mar 27, 2021 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
The weather has finally begun to moderate and warm up a bit here in Downeast Maine. As such, I have begun the process of stripping all the usable parts and hardware from my donor boat for use on my new 18’ pocket cruising sailboat, presently under construction....
by Paul | Mar 26, 2021 | Contests & Giveaways, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs, Promotions
My office/art studio makeover continues this week by re-purposing and modifying old desk side cabinets into a mobile storage cabinet with drawers, adjustable shelf, and slide out printer tray. I stacked one cabinet on top of the other, screwed them together, added 3”...
by Paul | Mar 19, 2021 | Contests & Giveaways, Promotions
I’ve been working on my office/art studio renovation this past week as the weather has been too cold to work on my boat outside. It has also been too cold to work in the shop as well. AS such, I don’t have anything to post this week for Shoestring Shipyard, however I...
by Paul | Mar 19, 2021 | Contests & Giveaways, On My Mind
Downeast Thunder Creations has recently surpassed the 3500-subscriber milestone on YouTube! Time for another Giveaway. If you would like to take part in the giveaway drawing, simply comment in the comment section below on the YouTube video page.. That’s all you have...