by Paul | Mar 10, 2021 | Building Projects, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs
“Waste not, want not!” We always try to Re-use, re-purpose, re-claim, and/or recycle whatever we have after it is no longer needed. We save quite a bit of money this way. I built this headboard around 40 years ago and re-purposed it for use as storage over my craft...
by Paul | Mar 10, 2021 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
It’s still “Wintah” here in Downeast Maine, but I was fortunate to catch a day with sun, no wind, and a few degrees above freezing. I took advantage of that by starting in on the big job of refurbishing the aluminum spars from my donor boat in preparation for...
by Paul | Mar 4, 2021 | Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, On My Mind
Update (March 5th, 2021) for Downeast Thunder Creations and Shoestring Shipyard: It is still pretty darn cold here in Downeast Maine, and we still have an abundance of ice and snow. This video will bring you up to speed with what is going on around here in “real...
by Paul | Feb 26, 2021 | Contests & Giveaways, Promotions
Wow! Downeast Thunder Creations has surpassed the 3400-subscriber milestone and it is now time to announce the three winners of my random drawing, celebration giveaway! Watch the video for the announcement of the winner’s names. The winners have 30 days from the date...
by Paul | Feb 25, 2021 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Promotions
Bruce Andersen of Long Island, NY is a Shoestring Shipyard & Downeast Thunder Creations subscriber and is building my Bootstrap Dinghy design from the free plans download video I posted several months ago. He also made a net from my net making video and then...