by Paul | Mar 1, 2022 | Boat Building, Contests & Giveaways, On My Mind
I’m back from hiatus, folks. Here’s a brief taste of the very beginning of the rudder build for my new 18′ pocket cruising sailboat and a lot of info about what has been going on and plans for Shoestring Shipyard Sailing 2022. Here’s the...
by Paul | Dec 18, 2021 | On My Mind, Promotions, Sailing & Cruising
I think it will be obvious from the video why there is no new content of any substance for this week. I’m going on hiatus for the remainder of the year and the winter holiday season. No worries though. I’ll be back again in 2022. I wish all of you a Happy Holiday...
by Paul | Dec 17, 2021 | Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
A few weeks ago, I featured a couple of videos where I overhauled my old midi-wood lathe and renewed all the bearings. I then made a video where I made a wood mallet with the lathe, but the lathe sat temporarily on my outside work bench. In this video, I reinstall the...
by Paul | Dec 9, 2021 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
This is an ongoing mini-series documenting the total refurbishment of a 1975 vintage, aluminum mast and boom. More specifically, the mast and boom featured is from the 1975 Olympic Dolphin 23 donor boat, now intended for my new 18’ pocket cruising sailboat (S/V...
by Paul | Dec 9, 2021 | Arts & Crafts, Farm & Homestead
Once again, we are plunging forward into the deep freeze of another long, Downeast Maine winter. It becomes too cold to work outside or even accomplish anything in the shop as it is uninsulated and unheated. This is the time of year when I get into my “artsy-fartsy”...