by Paul | Dec 18, 2020 | Farm & Homestead, On My Mind
I did not originally intend to post this series of video clips to YouTube. I was simply recording some video for my personal archives. This video was shot, edited, and posted today: December 17th, 2020. I am now laid up in the house. My wife and daughter ran out to...
by Paul | Dec 11, 2020 | Boat Building, Sailing & Cruising
Ayuh! A powerful Nor’easter hit us hard last week with recorded wind gusts in excess of 72 knots (hurricane force). The brand-new tarp covering my recently purchased Olympic Dolphin 23 sloop filled with wind and dragged the pedestal off it’s (what I thought was...
by Paul | Dec 10, 2020 | Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs, Vendor Displays
Free Plans! The link to the free plans takes you to my web site blog and you will find a button for the three pdf’s (combined) you can download. The pdfs are drawings for Susan’s Storage Bin Shelves with dimensions in both; Imperial & Metric. These shelves were...
by Paul | Dec 1, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Sailing & Cruising, Tools & Equipment
Ayuh! This old “geezer” has struck gold once again! I need to make more rope fenders for my new 18’ pocket cruising sailboat (still under construction), and this winter season is the perfect time to do it. The only missing item in the equation was obtaining enough...
by Paul | Dec 1, 2020 | Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment, Vendor Displays
Free Plans! The download button below contains the two pdf files combined. The two pdfs are drawings for the turntable top and base (box) with dimensions in both; Imperial & Metric. The base was drawn using butt joints as most people do not have a CNC machine. For...