by Paul | Oct 15, 2020 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication
Here along the seacoast in Downeast Maine, “Wintah” is moving in on us quite rapidly. The temperature over the past couple of mornings has been 30 and 32 degrees, Fahrenheit (about 0 degrees Celsius). This means most of the outside work on my 18’ sailboat build will...
by Paul | Oct 8, 2020 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication
This video covers the fitting and installation of a “shoe” that will go on the bottom of the skeg to protect the edge grain of the plywood used to fabricate the skeg. The shoe will extend beyond the skeg to protect the rudder. Another “shoe” will be applied to the...
by Paul | Oct 2, 2020 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication
This video shows the final application of fiberglass cloth and barrier coats of epoxy resin, then finished skeg is checked for fit and installed in place with marine adhesive and screws. The skeg mates with the keel and stern timber at this stage. This is only a...
by Paul | Sep 24, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication
This segment is about installing the outboard stern timber (there is an inboard stern timber as well but will be installed later), and then tracing the shape of the skeg onto a ¾” piece of plywood. The ¾” plywood will become a template and the first laminate layer for...
by Paul | Sep 17, 2020 | Boat Building, Building Projects, Fabrication
The keel is made up of an inner keel (keelson) and an outer keel – with the plywood bottom panels “sandwiched” between them. In this video, I install the outer keel (a 16’long 2×4) with marine adhesive in a tube and screws. I trim the ends where the slightly...