by Paul | Jun 23, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication
Advance release from my Shoestring Shipyard YouTube Channel: The “Sampson Post” is a vertical beam, stepped on the keelson, and protrudes above the foredeck. It is backed up with blocks, knees and a breasthook to increase strength. This is perhaps one of the strongest...
by Paul | Jun 19, 2020 | Boat Building, Fabrication
Finally! The warm weather has arrived in Downeast Maine, the “Honey-do” list is at a point where I have some wiggle room, and construction on my boat hull resumes! In this video, I make templates for the plywood hull side panels, cut out the plywood panels, and...
by Paul | Jun 13, 2020 | Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs
Earlier this afternoon (Friday, June 12th, 2020) I realized I had a need for a mobile book cart: The kind of cart one sees in public libraries, used to return books to shelves. They are usually made out of metal, but I didn’t want to buy one and I figured I could make...
by Paul | Jun 4, 2020 | Building Projects, Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Furniture Designs
Every year, the WHRL (Women for Healthy Rural Living, formerly: Women’s Health Resource Library) hold a fund-raising auction and raffle. This local non-profit provides numerous programs and services such as “Bone-Builders,” Yoga, Tai-Chi, Weight Watchers, Scholarships...
by Paul | May 22, 2020 | Fabrication, Farm & Homestead, Tools & Equipment
I most often work alone, without anyone around to help me when it comes to carrying large unwieldy sheet goods such as full sheets of plywood. Being older now, I find it more difficult to handle such bulky items. Heavy, ¾” (18mm or 19mm) plywood makes it even more...